Zara McDermott ‘feeling grateful’ in new career update
Zara McDermott has shared an update on her documentary-making career.
The former Love Island star has released a number of documentaries including Zara McDermott: Stalked, Zara McDermott: Disordered Eating and The Idaho Murders: Trial by TikTok after leaving the villa.
While Zara has worked on a number of mini documentaries with Morning Live based on topics such as online trolling and everyday extremism, the 27-year-old has admitted how ‘grateful’ she is to be able to create these shows.
Opening up to her 2M followers on her Stories, Zara has revealed she’s working on a new mini documentary about grief.
She posted a mirror photo of herself and added text to the image that reads, “Guys I'm feeling so grateful because I'm doing my 4th (or 5th… starting to lose count) Morning Live VT”.
“I'm so happy to be working on these mini documentaries for the main show!”.

“Today we are exploring grief… which is such a sensitive and difficult subject but one that I think is so important to talk about”.
Zara went on to share, “I have already spoken to some experts and a charity this morning and it's been wonderful seeing the incredible work these people do to support those experiencing grief. We need more people like them in the world xx”.
McDermott previously spoke on social media about how much she enjoys making shorter documentaries compared to longform shows, which can take months to create.
“This has been on my vision board for years and I've been pestering my managers for a long long time to put me forward for these, and finally I'm doing them!!!”.
“As much as I love making my usual documentaries, the process is a very long one (the current Stalking series I'm making will probably be 18-19 months from pitching to the channel to when it comes out on TV)”.
Zara admitted, “Doing these mini documentaries for Morning Live are such a change of pace because we film them in a day and they come out a few weeks later!!! They're great fun to film alongside my long-form documentaries, I'm learning scripts etc. whereas my other filming is very immersive, and theres no scripts, I just go with the flow!”.